Operation Diaper Drive

will ensure that babies and toddlers in our community stay clean, dry and healthy. 

Our 9th Annual Operation Diaper Drive is October 1st-31st! Help us reach our goal of 150,000 diapers!

YPN, in partnership with the Eastern Iowa Health Center and HACAP, hosts Operation Diaper Drive each October. This community-wide effort’s goal is to stock the Eastern Iowa Diaper Bank with at least 50% of the diapers we distribute annually. Sponsors and business partners are invited to host collection bins and raise funds to help us purchase diapers.

A huge thank you to everyone who supported the 2023 Operation Diaper Drive. Our drive was successful, your support helped us collect 28,096 physical diapers and raise $25,760 in donations & sponsorship resulting in nearly 180,000 diapers to fill the bank and ensure hundreds of babies will have dry bottoms in 2024!

Diapers are one of the most basic needs for a family with a new baby. On average, a monthly supply of diapers costs $80-100. Add that up and one year of diapers costs nearly $1,000! Families with low-income spend nearly 14% of their paychecks on diapers. Most daycare centers require parents to provide a daily supply of diapers. When families don’t have enough diapers, parents have to decide between childcare and working or going to school.


Operation Diaper Drive

Prior to 2020, Andy and his fiancé, had never needed to utilize a community service. Andy shares, “I have always worked and was able to provide for my family, so it was humbling to admit that we needed a hand.” After seeing a news article, they quickly got in line. “When we arrived and saw the line of cars, it was evident that this organization truly cared about those in need after such a rough year – I don’t know what we would’ve done without them.”

What's new...

Sept 29 and Oct 27 3:30-5:30 pm

Community Days

50 free diapers per family will be provided to ANY COMMUNITY MEMBER with child(ren) in diapers (ages 0-4) who visits us on the last Wednesday of

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Thank You Sponsors

We are well aware we can not do this without the generosity of our community, partners, and sponsors.  Thank you for helping us meet families

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